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Exclusive Offer for Gold Card Members
Admission ticket and e-membership card are required for Gold Day access. If you have not received any admission tickets, it may be due to an incomplete or missing mailing address found in our e-membership system.
To ensure you stay current with promotional offers and updates of The Overlander, we would like to update member's contact information with your help on the Gold Day.
To save your waiting time on Gold Day, please login and update your contact information via http://www.overlander.com.hk/member/login
Step-by-step tutorial Here.
(此通訊只寄往提供電郵之The Overlander會員)
此乃會員電子通訊月刊,請不要回覆 no-reply@overlander.com.hk
會籍查詢: member@overlander.com.hk;
貨品或其他查詢: ol2@orientfair.com;
登入會員頁面 修改電郵或通訊地址;