Anjan 2

The Anjan 2 is the ideal two person tent for mobile journeys in warmer conditions where the lowest weight is the highest priority.
The Anjan 2 was designed specifically as a very light tent for mobile adventures in warmer and snow-free conditions. And while it is indeed very light, it also have unexpected strength. During development, we set up an Anjan in our wind machine (a converted snow making blower), and left it for 6 to 8 hours in very strong winds. The Anjan stood strong with no problem.
We redesigned the Anjan models for 2017, replacing the dual opening pole sleeves and Lock-Tip poles with single opening sleeves and standard poles. To retain the excellent venting effect of having the outer stop short of coming all the way to the ground, we incorporated catenary patterning into the bottom of the outer tent walls, creating permanent gaps to allow full air flow. In addition to its venting effect, the new design is easier to pitch, especially in windy conditions.
The Anjan 2’s inner tent has an all mesh door and a large, triangular mesh vent in the rear wall for constant air flow. In very warm conditions, you can fully roll up the rear wall of the outer tent. You can also completely roll away the Anjan 2’s vestibule.